Does Sharpie stay on mugs?

Ah, the age-old question: Does Sharpie stay on mugs? The answer is a resounding YES! But, there’s a catch. To make your Sharpie mug washable and usable, you need to make sure you use an **oil-based Sharpie marker**. You can buy them in the store in the same section you get the regular Sharpies from. They will say “Oil-based” on them. If you use the regular Sharpie’s, they will wash away when you clean them.

Here’s How to Make Your Sharpie Mug Last

Making a Sharpie mug is a fun and easy project that you can do with your kids or just for yourself. Here’s how to make sure your Sharpie mug will last:

* Start with a clean, dry mug. Make sure there is no residue on the mug from any cleaners or oils.
* Shake the oil-based Sharpie marker and press the tip down on a piece of paper to get the ink flowing.
* Draw your design on the mug with the Sharpie. Make sure to draw slowly and evenly.
* Let the mug sit for 24 hours to allow the ink to set.
* Bake the mug in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. This will set the ink and make it permanent.
* Let the mug cool before handling.

Tips for Making the Perfect Sharpie Mug

* Use a light-colored mug. The ink will show up better on a light-colored mug.
* If you want to add a bit of sparkle to your mug, use a glitter Sharpie.
* If you want to make sure your design is permanent, use a clear sealant spray to coat the mug.
* If you want to make sure your design is waterproof, use a waterproof sealant spray.

Enjoy Your Sharpie Mug!

Once you’ve followed the steps above, you’ll have a beautiful and unique Sharpie mug that you can enjoy for years to come. So go ahead and get creative! Have fun with it and show off your masterpiece to your friends and family.